Monday 9 March 2009


We had another tutorial today with Marit and it was very useful. We had plans of only making one single page, double sided, A2 broadsheet but Marit said that wouldn't really be enough as our final outcome. So now we are back to thinking two A2's and to show some or many of the drawings again. She also gave us the idea to fill out the content with some biography for some of the artists. We had discussions after the tutorial and we will meet again tomorrow to do some work together. One thing we are going to try is to make the drawn lines with crayons or pen and then scan it in to get more of a real feeling. The goal tomorrow is to create a design for the whole thing together so that we then can go off individually and work more towards one final piece. We also need to test print on some newsprint in the computer room to see what the colours and fonts look like on the paper, to get an idea of how see-through it will be. Marit said that we are okey with time though and at least the dynamic of the group is working really well. This morning in our PPD talk we heard some horror stories from groups that are not really getting on. Obviously we chose to work together but you never really know how well it will turn out to be but so far for us everything is good and enjoyable.

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