Monday 2 March 2009


Grid with thumbnails

Playing with type as drawing

Interesting different directions of type


Great samples of printing on newsprint

We had a tutorial with Marit and Phlippa today. They showed us lovely examples of printed material. We had already talked to Marit about the idea of using newsprint for this project and she brought very nice examples of graphic design printed in this material. We talked about our research regarding printers and that we weren't being able to find a service that would print A2 double sided on newsprint. Marit told us we didn't actually need to produce a finished piece, that a mockup would be fine because the idea is to present to the client the possibilities of production, the quotations for the production cost. Usually designers cannot produce one single finished piece in a presentation, in this case especially because we would probably have to use litho or offset printing and that can only be done in a large number of copies. We aslo discussed the idea of having a theme as a way to pull our piece together. So the theme would have to relate to the gallery and to the fundraiser event and our inicial idea for the theme was to do with "revealing". This is to do with the idea of creating interest in the public of coming to see the artwork at the gallery. Another subject that came to mind is the meaning of drawing itself and how we can "draw" using type and playing with layout. Great new inspiring ideas!!!

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